Critical Thinking
If you find yourself always agreeing with whomever you last spoke with, that’s bad. You will of course be wrong sometimes, but develop the confidence to stick with your convictions.
Leave enough time in my schedule
Such as Reading, hanging out with interesting people, or spending time in nature.
Do want you want to do
So I just try not to put myself in a position where I have to do them (by delegating, avoiding, or something else). Stuff that you don’t like is a painful drag on morale and momentum.
Do what you’d want other people to do for you—try to figure out who likes (and is good at) doing what, and delegate that way.
If you find yourself not liking what you’re doing for a long period of time, seriously consider a major job change.
I’ve been very fortunate to find work I like so much I’d do it for free, which makes it easy to be really productive. 我非常幸运地找到了我非常喜欢的工作,我愿意免费做它,这使得我很容易变得富有成效。
You can learn anything you want
Try to be around smart, productive, happy, and positive people
- Make sure to get the important shit done
- Don’t waste time on stupid shit
- make a lot of lists
Different times of day, different kinds of work.
Don’t fall into the trap of productivity porn.
Chasing productivity for its own sake isn’t helpful. Many people spend too much time thinking about how to perfectly optimize their system, and not nearly enough asking if they’re working on the right problems.
Don’t neglect your family and friends for the sake of productivity
Productivity in the wrong direction isn’t worth anything at all.
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